The Biodiversity Heritage Library’s comprehensive online collection of pomology books highlights the historical importance of apple (Malus xdomestic and other Malus species) and cider production around the world. Many texts were added by Cornell University Library’s Digital Collections and contain color illustrations of rare, historic, and heirloom apple cultivars.
Read more:
For the Love of Cider: Phenotyping Apples with Modern Techniques and Historic Texts

Some of our Favorite Historic Cider Texts:
Alwood, W.B. 1903. A Study of Cider Making in France, Germany, and England, with Comments and Comparisons on American Work (Bulletin No. 71). USDA, Washington, D.C.
Bull, H.G., Hogg, R., Bull, E.E., and A.B. Ellis. 1876. The Herefordshire Pomona. Journal of Horticulture, London. Volume 1; Volume 2
Coxe, W., 1817. A View of the Cultivation of Fruit Trees and the Management of Orchards and Cider. M. Carey and Son, Philadelphia.
Coxe McMurtrie, E., n.d. Reproductions Painted by Elizabeth Coxe McMurtrie.
Crocker, A. 1793. A Practical Essay on Raising Apple Trees, and Making Cider, in: Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Isaiah Thomas and Ebenezer T. Andrews, Boston, pp. 101–113.
Fitz, J. 1872. The Southern Apple and Peach Culturist. J.W. Randolph & English, Richmond, VA.
Hogg, R. 1886. The Apple & pear as vintage fruits. Jakeman & Carver, Hereford.
Kenrick, W. 1833. The New American Orchardist. Carter, Hendee, and Co., Boston.
Knight, T.A. 1797. A treatise on the culture of the apple & pear, and on the manufacture of cider and perry. H. Procter, Ludlow, Shropshire, England.
Moubray, B. 1842. Section XX. On Orchards, Planting, and on the making of Cider and Perry, by an experienced Planter and Maker of Somersetshire, in: A Practical Treatise […] With Instructions for the Private Brewery, on Cider, Perry, and British Wine Making. Sherwood, Gilbert, and Piper, London, pp. 397–467.
Salisbury, W. 1816. Hints addressed to proprietors of orchards, and to growers of fruit in general, comprising observations on the present state of the apple trees, in the cider countries. Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown, London.